Hello, world.
To start with, this weblog will probably contain some links with brief commentary, and imports of some popular-science or technology-themed essays I have written elsewhere. In time, it will evolve, as such things tend to. Let's see where we go.
Today: I am snowed in under, probably, 10+ inches of snow that came after 20+ inches of snow that was leftover from three days ago. The picture on this post is what the parking lot in front of my apartment looked like during the initial snowfall. Right now it's worse, because there is a Postal Service truck and someone's minivan stuck in it, too, the latter blocking the exit completely.
So this first link for today is appropriate: Why is Washington DC and environs so bad at handling snow, a political viewpoint. In all fairness, the answer has to be "DC and environs get this kind of snow every seven to ten years, so there's a point of diminishing returns here," but he makes other points about the current state of fiscal politics in the United States.
Our next link is also a political one: A corporation runs for the Senate, from Maryland no less. This is, in fact, their commentary on the recent Supreme Court decision that removes the limits on campaign contributions from companies, in effect granting companies greater rights of "personhood." I have seen this link in friends' blogs with the commentary "Satire is dead in America," which... oh well.
And here is something cool, to round off the day: The Movies of the 2000s. I probably recognize fewer than I should...
Hi there. Love the title background figure. Now, that inverter on the left side is digital, couldn't you make a "analog" one? (i.e. Vout=-Vin)
Y'know, I wish a corporation *would* run for Congress, based on my (probably mistaken) belief that it might generate another Court ruling that would fix a lot of the things that have been problematic ever since that right was first granted.
Benim prefabrik çevresinde her zaman gördüğüm manzaralardsn.. Kış güzel ve sakindi orada. Buzlar sarkıyordu en az 1.5 metre..en güzeli herkes kara saplanmışken jibimle hava atmaktı:) sevgiler..
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